“One of the easiest shots in golf is chipping. It should be the easiest. It’s like throwing a ball or pitching pennies. It’s easy. And I struggle with that, and the struggle is all mental.”
A chip is a kind of calculated shot in golf in which the golfer raises the ball in the air. And by hitting in the green, the ball will make the chip perfect by resulting in a long roll. Your chipped shots will be excellent if your ball is covered up to the grass or if you try to drive a downhill slope.
If you are a serious golfer and want to do better in golf, you need to make your ball perfectly chipped and in this case, it doesn’t matter whether you are a beginner or a pro.
In this article, after researching golf chipping, we showed some specific ways to chip a golf ball. We think it will be clear to you if you go through the article for once.
How to Chip a Golf Ball

To chip a golf ball, you should follow four major steps. We tried to make you clear about the steps with a detailed description through explaining every single way you need to do better while chipping. Let’s follow those steps given below:
Step 1: Keeping a favorable position

- Set the ball with your cheekbone. If you want to chip perfectly, you need to make your position perfect.
- Intend for your body just ahead of the ball, with your cheekbone drawing a parallel line with the setting of the ball.
Here cheekbone means the middle of your chest.

- Maintain your arms back and your chest up during the time of your swing.
- Bending your chest will give you a pitched chip because it will remake the way of the club.
- You can have someone else if you face any difficulty in attaining a favorable stance.

- Keep your feet close together.
- Your feet need to be rooted on the ground while you enforce a chip.
- You should keep a space between your feet roughly comparable to one of your feet.
- Place your feet parallel with one another keeping both intended for directly forward.

- At this stage, open up your hip.
- A fair swing will allocate the effort throughout your upper body, rather than storing the strain into one area.
- If you keep your hip on the other side of the club, it will put up with the stress off your wrists.
Step 2: Chipping the Ball

- Swing with your entire upper body.
- Practice your full upper body to stimulate the chip. Try to stop swinging with your wrists, as this action will restrict your force and power.
- Swing in such a way so that you can feel the activity in your hips.
- When you keep your upper body flexible during the movement, keep your feet and legs fairly strong.

- You should keep your primary contact with the ball in a downward strike.
If you’re a beginner, you may make a common mistake by hitting up. But the first requirement of a successful chip swing is to aim down. Just move up once when the club makes a connection with the ball.

- Put up the club so that it can make an impact with the golf ball.
- Accomplish both the downward swing and upward scoop in a single, fluid motion.

- Follow the motion of the ball while making contact.
To increase your force, you should notice your swing through, putting your club back up in the atmosphere.
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- Notice the ending edge of the ball.
- Keep your eye on where the ball lands as it is significant during exercise.
- You will learn how much force you require with each club to go a provided length.
Step 3: Refining your chip

- Decide whether the circumstance warrants chipping the ball or not.
- You should not use the method of chipping the golf ball in instances where an ordinary shot can simply be operated.
- If you are a beginner, don’t apply this rule before practicing.

- Grip your club firmly.
- You should hold the golf club firmly in every shot even if it is chipping because chipping the ball mostly needs control.
- Place your hands appropriately on the club while attempting to chip the ball.
Step 4: Training Your Skills

- Lessons will expedite the learning process.
- Get lessons to improve your chip and for that, you can follow the instructors

- Exercise with an extended club.
- If you face any problem in footing and stance, an elongated club will help you when you go too far.

- Rehearsal every week.
- Whether you are a beginner or a pro, you should practice regularly in order to sharpen your chipping skill.
- Exercise with different footings, swings, and warm-ups. It will improve your chipping.
By following these steps, you can properly chip a golf ball with the utmost satisfaction of your golf thirst. Try, practice and make the best of it.
You can also watch a video to get full understanding about how you can chip a golf ball.
When you hit the ball and make a chip shot, it doesn’t mean to launch the ball directly into the air. But here you want the shot to bounce a short height and roll a lot.
Chipping isn’t so difficult what people think. It depends on practicing. If you want to do better in chipping, you can follow the steps given in this article. We tried to provide every information you need to make the best chip in a golf ball.
And one more thing, we would like to have your opinions about the chipping of a golf ball and thid article. Let us know what you are thinking or what we can add here for better understanding.