How much you should tip a caddy is actually a tricky matter. On one hand, you don’t want unexpected work from your caddy. And on the other hand, you are not willing to over-tip. So, what will you do now? This article is going to solve this and inform you about how much you should tip a caddy.
A renowned Golf Writer, Sunday Times correspondent and member of the World Golf Hall of Fame and commentator Henry Longhurst said once,
“A good caddie is more than a mere assistant. He is a guide, philosopher, and friend.”
If you take a caddy with you while playing golf, the game can be easy and great for you to play. And if you want to make your game more engaging by connecting and playing with other golf buddies, there are some great apps available on both Google Play Store and on Apple Store that can hook you up with fellow golfers in the same course.
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How Much Do You Tip a Caddy?
The caddies are basically tipped according to their level and work. For example, forecaddies are paid an average of $120, junior caddies are paid a maximum of $6 for various tasks, and baggers ofe paid about $50. Besides, you can usually tip a caddy half the price of the round depending on his work.
Now the question is, What kind of work are you expecting from a caddy? It can be anything like carrying your golf equipment, carrying your clubs and cleaning them, measuring distances, finding the ball from where it is dropped, advising you on the game if necessary, etc.
Not all types of golf courses require tipping and in many parts of the world, tipping is not allowed. But the issue of gratuity is a very common one in the United States. If you play golf in a place where tipping is allowed, you should give tips on the golf course there. Here is everything about tipping a caddy.
Things to Consider When Tipping a Caddie
Tip the Caddies According to Their Level.
Many golfers are hesitant to tip the right amount of caddies. In fact, there are no hard-and-fast rules for tipping a caddy. There are different levels of caddies. Such as forecaddies, junior caddies, single or double-baggers, etc. Their tipping is different according to the caddies level.
How much should you tip a forecaddie?

A forecaddie should be given an average of $100 to $ 120 from a group. But if you want to tip individually out of your group, give him about $25 to $30 and tell each person of your group to do so.
Remember, a forecaddie does not carry golf bags. Usually, a forecaddie is assigned to a group of four golfers because he tries to capture everyone’s shots and manages the players.
And best of all, ask the golf course director or a caddy master for tips on how to tip forecaddies. Don’t ask a caddy how much he wants to be paid. Because it will be more embarrassing for both of you.
How much do you tip a junior caddy?

You should tip junior caddies based on their work. It will not be difficult for you if you give more tips to those who will carry your golf clubs. Because they carry clubs in all weather, all kinds of straight and crooked ways. They also give you helpful advice from time to time.
You can pay them $5-$6 to clean up your club. If you find that a caddy is not cleaning your club well, just here and there in the club, then you can tip him $2 to $3.
But, if the caddies clean really very well, you can definitely increase the amount of tipping a bit. Those who find the ball from where it fell can expect from you a little more from the conventional amount. Because, when you hit the ball during the game, the caddies have to face a lot of harm to find out where the ball has gone.
For example, if the ball goes to a place where there is a lot of big grass, then the caddy goes there and crawls his knee to the deep grass and finds a golf ball. There may be venomous snakes or insects, but caddies don’t even think that they can be at risk. Again, their legs may fall on high and low places, and may sprain while taking the ball. In a word, they are risking their lives, accepting their own loss, but yet they are finding your ball.
How much do you tip a single or double bagger?

A caddy, who only carries your golf bag, you can pay a total of $50 to $60. However, give a little less than what you usually pay for a double bag. Because when a caddy carries your bag and another player’s bag together, that player also needs to be tipped.
Frequently Asked Questions
At What Stage Do You Need to Tip Your Caddy?
When the caddy’s work is done or the game is over, tip him as soon as possible, the caddy will like it very much. He will respect you and think that you are a person who is paying the wages as soon as the work is done.
What Work Can You Expect from a Caddy?
You can expect a normal caddy to do things that will benefit you. For example, you can expect from a caddie to carry your golf bags, clubs and wipe them off after each shot, clean up any dirt on your golf ball and find out where it went after hitting the ball, how far the golf holes are from you will measure, will replace divots and ball marks, will remove the pin after you reach the green, will advise you about the game if necessary, etc.
When Will You Give Some Extra Tips to the Caddy?
When a caddy gives you important pieces of advice for your shots, you can give him an extra $15 to $20. Again, the caddies who stay with you on a very hot day and do their job well, you can give them more tips than usual.
How much tip should be given depending on the task?
Below is an ancillary baseline on how much you can tip caddy to do some of your other work.
- If your car needs valeting, then you can pay $5 to a caddy as a valet.
- You can pay $5-$6 to a locker room attendant.
- To clean and polish your golf shoes, you can pay $5-$10.
After all, a good caddy is not just your assistant, he can also be your guide or friend.
Remember, sometimes, your caddy may be a better golfer than you. A caddy tries with his intellect and works in the game so that you can bring success. Again, if you are in a bad mood in the middle of the game, a caddy tries to joke to make your mood better. So, you should treat them in the same way as they treated you in your work.
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