Affiliate Disclosure

NiftyGolf is a free resource website for golfers. While we directly don’t sell any products on our website, many of the links on are affiliate links. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program and other 3rd party affiliate programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising & linking to their websites and properties. These are links that will compensate NiftyGolf if a user purchases a product or service at the destination address with no extra cost to the purchaser.

Affiliate links will typically be found in the product review articles, but they can also occasionally be found in other types of articles on the site.

Note that the visitors will not have to pay any additional costs when making a purchase through an affiliate link. Aside from NiftyGolf being paid a percentage of the purchase price of a product or service on the other end, the link serves exactly the same purpose as a normal link pointing to the same destination. NiftyGolf will use the income generated from these links to support the upkeep of the website as well as the continued creation of high-quality content and remain free to the golfers.